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19 Original Bullet Journal Ideas for Students to Keep You on Track this Semester

Ever wish you had a magic wand, to take all your studying woes away? That’s exactly why we created this epic list of bullet journal ideas for students like you. Whilst it’s not quite a magic wand, it’s close.

This is where you get organised, get your study goals back on track and build healthy learning habits. With easy and creative bullet journal ideas to make it all possible. 

Bullet journal ideas for students

About to start a new school year? Already midway through your studies? Whatever stage you’re at, you can use these ideas to bring a little more calm and creativity into your student life. Whether you’re a bullet journaling newbie or a BuJo pro.

You’ll find plenty of ideas for all aspects of student life, from handling scary deadlines to making the most of your off time. Ready? Let’s go.

A double page spread of colourful school-themed doodles with Back 2 School written in block letters

1. Create a goal-setting spread

What do you want to achieve this school year? Studies have shown that writing your goals down dramatically increases your chances of achieving them.

In fact, a Harvard study showed that the 3% of business graduates who had written down clear goals (and plans to achieve them) were earning 10 times as much as the other 97% put together, only 10 years after their graduation. Now that’s impressive.

So dream big. And then write it down in your bullet journal. 

2. Save the quotes and inspiration that’ll keep you motivated to study

Setting goals is great. But student life can be challenging sometimes. There’s a lot to keep up with (and a lot of distractions to pull you off course).

So, make it easy to remember why you’re doing this in the first place! Get creative and design some motivational spreads in your bullet journal, to keep you going when studying gets tough.

3. Turn assignment deadlines into bullet journal checklists

Nobody wants to miss an assignment deadline, especially due to a frustrating case of forgetfulness.

Let’s wow your teachers instead. Use the bullet journaling method to create a checklist for your big assignments. Then sleep easy, knowing you’ll never miss a deadline again.

4. Make a bullet journal study plan

Every school or college comes with its own timetable, but it’s up to you to make your own study schedule.

Make a bullet journal study plan to schedule your study time each term. Think about how you’ll fit extra reading, homework assignments and revision around your classes and lectures. Then, create a study plan that makes it easy for you to keep on track!

5. Keep your to-do list in check

Need to buy more study materials? Got a book to return to the library? Looking for a lecturer to help you out?

Put all your to-dos in one place, inside your bullet journal. That way, nothing slips through the cracks. You can plan your whole life in one place, from your study essentials to your extra-curricular activities. 

6. Save your favourite study songs

Step inside Yop & Tom HQ and you’ll hear a mixture of house music and neo-soul. It’s what helps us focus, as we get our heads down and maximise our productivity.

But we know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Have some fun building your own playlists inside your bullet journal, so that every study session can be both focused and fun.

7. Build a school morning routine

A good start to the day can set you up for success later on, even if life gets a little busy. But a school morning routine can look totally different for everyone.

You might want to exercise, get outdoors, journal, read or prep your food for the day ahead. Whatever your morning routine looks like, try to make it realistic. Remember, just because you’ve seen an impressive morning routine on social media doesn’t mean you have to replicate it!

We love how @dove.bujo has created a spread for her ideal school morning routine. Because if your morning routine doesn’t look like that every day? That’s 100% okay.

8. Create a sleep tracker to keep your energy up for your studies

The best thing you can do to make studying easier and increase your attention span in class is to get enough sleep. It’s the oldest trick in the book and one we often forget in favour of more exciting new habits.

Use a sleep tracker in your bullet journal to monitor how much sleep you’re getting. Noticing that you’re consistently not getting enough of those magic zzz? That could be a sign that it’s time to check in with your mental wellbeing

9. Use a habit tracker to track your study habits in your bullet journal

When you’re trying to build new habits, a habit tracker can help you feel an easy sense of accomplishment. Take a look at the most important (and more challenging) habits you’re trying to build, and create a habit tracker to help you get there.

We love how Yop & Tom Creator Saanvi created a tracker to monitor both her study habits and her phone usage. Notice how when one goes down, the other goes up? That’s a great one to keep an eye on!

10. Create a mood tracker to look after your mental health at school

Just because you’re focusing on your studies doesn’t mean that you should forget about your mental health. Being a student can be an amazing experience. But it can also be a challenging one.

Create a mood tracker inside your bullet journal and use it to monitor your mental health. Take a look at what’s causing you to feel good (or bad) and learn how to control your triggers. And if it all gets too much, reach out and talk to a mental health professional.

Shop the Back to School Edit

Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
zoom in on moon and star logo
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal - forest green - zoom in on moon and star emblem
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal a5 - forest green - zoom in on Yop & Tom gold debossed logo on spine
yop & tom ruled notebook a5 internal pages
yop & tom medium ruled notebook
green lined journal lying on bed with pen
green lined notebook on white table
lined journal on black table
lined notebook on white table
yop & tom logo on spine of dark blue journal
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
zoom in on moon and star logo
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal - forest green - zoom in on moon and star emblem
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal a5 - forest green - zoom in on Yop & Tom gold debossed logo on spine
yop & tom ruled notebook a5 internal pages
yop & tom medium ruled notebook
green lined journal lying on bed with pen
green lined notebook on white table
lined journal on black table
lined notebook on white table
yop & tom logo on spine of dark blue journal
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
Front on shot of power of 3 goal planner in sunshine yellow showing gold triangle emblem and paper sleeve
Power of 3 Sunshine yellow Infographic showing features
Close up of Power of 3 goal planner gold emblem on sunshine yellow cover
Close up of Yop & Tom logo on spine of power of 3 goal planner in yellow
3 month goal planner page showing sections for goals, milestones and tasks
Monthly planner page of power of 3 goal planner showing full month spread, weekly wins and monthly focus
Weekly planner page in the power of 3 goal planner
Goal reflection page in the power of 3 planner showing which goals were hit and missed and focus for next 3 months
Yearly focus page in the power of 3 goal planner showing areas of focus for the year and list of yearly goals
Close up of sunshine yellow power of 3 goal planner showing corner of the cover and edge of paper pages
Power of 3 goal planners in charcoal, green and yellow
Planificateur d'objectifs non daté Power of 3 - Jaune soleil
Front on shot of power of 3 goal planner in sunshine yellow showing gold triangle emblem and paper sleeve
Power of 3 Sunshine yellow Infographic showing features
Close up of Power of 3 goal planner gold emblem on sunshine yellow cover
Close up of Yop & Tom logo on spine of power of 3 goal planner in yellow
3 month goal planner page showing sections for goals, milestones and tasks
Monthly planner page of power of 3 goal planner showing full month spread, weekly wins and monthly focus
Weekly planner page in the power of 3 goal planner
Goal reflection page in the power of 3 planner showing which goals were hit and missed and focus for next 3 months
Yearly focus page in the power of 3 goal planner showing areas of focus for the year and list of yearly goals
Close up of sunshine yellow power of 3 goal planner showing corner of the cover and edge of paper pages
Power of 3 goal planners in charcoal, green and yellow
Planificateur d'objectifs non daté Power of 3 - Jaune soleil
Hummingbird dot grid journal in deep ocean on white background
zoom in on humminbird emblem
zoom in on Yop & Tom logo - hummingbird journal
Hummingbird gift journal with colourful pens
bujo charcoal hummingbird extra thick paper
Orange hummingbird bullet journal
bullet journal main image forest green hummingbird
open journal with pens
Hummingbird journal with dark background
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Yop & Tom Index Page
Yop & Tom Key Page
Yop & Tom Hummingbird journal thick paper
Open journal showing grid guide insert
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
zoom in on yop & tom emblem on spine - burnt orange
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Hummingbird dot grid journal in deep ocean on white background
zoom in on humminbird emblem
zoom in on Yop & Tom logo - hummingbird journal
Hummingbird gift journal with colourful pens
bujo charcoal hummingbird extra thick paper
Orange hummingbird bullet journal
bullet journal main image forest green hummingbird
open journal with pens
Hummingbird journal with dark background
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Yop & Tom Index Page
Yop & Tom Key Page
Yop & Tom Hummingbird journal thick paper
Open journal showing grid guide insert
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
zoom in on yop & tom emblem on spine - burnt orange
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri

11. Use a bullet journal spread to remember everyone’s names

Isn’t awkward when you meet someone new and - 10 seconds later - you’ve totally forgotten their name? We’ve been there and done that more times than we care to admit…

Create a bullet journal spread for every subject or class you have, and use it to note down everyone’s names. You could even draw the class layout if you’re feeling extra creative!

12. Create a class timetable

Your school or college will likely give you a class timetable, either online or on a piece of paper at the start of each term.

But your bullet journal is where you’ll keep everything in one place. And those little scraps of paper? They go missing. Far too often.

So, replicate that timetable inside your bullet journal. Besides, you can make it look way better.

13. Dream up fun ideas to do once school is out

Student life isn’t all about studying. There are adventures to be had, teams to be joined, friendships to be made…

Be sure to give yourself some “off-time”. Your life doesn’t have to be all about studying, 24/7 (not taking breaks can actually be bad for your productivity).

Use your bullet journal to dream up fun ideas to look forward to each weekend or plan big adventures for when school’s out for the year. Where will you go?

14. Journal out your thoughts, worries and anxieties

Sometimes you just need to get your thoughts out of your head and down onto paper. Whether it’s stress about a project or something more personal, journaling can help quiet your mind and provide a much-needed sense of relief.

close up photo of writing in a yellow journal

15. Create a meal plan (so you can focus on studying not cooking)

College and university are typically your first experience of living away from home cooking. So make it easy for yourself!

Plan out your meals in advance. So when you’ve finished a long studying session, you know exactly what you’re going to eat. No more staring into that empty fridge!

16. Create a reading tracker

If you were surprised by the amount of extra reading you’re asked to do at university… you’re not alone.

There’s a lot. But a reading tracker can make things easier! Use your bullet journal to keep track of your TBR (to be read) pile and monitor your progress. It’ll feel so good when you look back at your tracker and see all that knowledge you’ve consumed.

17. Build a memory journal to make your student experience last longer

Your school years will go by in a flash. But the memories? Cheesy as it sounds, they can last forever.

When we interviewed Jae for our Creator of the Month, we were so inspired by her student memory journal idea. Jae uses her bullet journal to share life events, song recommendations and plans for the future with her college roommate. Even though they’re not living together anymore, they’re still very much in each other’s lives!

18. Doodle and let your creativity run free

“With the stress I have from school, I find it hard to get time to draw or create some type of art often, and bullet journaling allows me to have some creativity and relaxation in my work-filled days.”

Even though you’re using your bullet journal for studying, it doesn’t have to be all about school. Use some space to create something outside of class. Make the most of the expectation-free space and let your creative mind wander!

19. Plan out your job applications for when school is over

Remember those goals you set at the beginning of the school year? You can follow the same process for when class is over.

Use your bullet journal to look back at what’s brought you the most joy over the year. Can any of those things be turned into a career, or even just a summer job?

Set yourself up for success with a new set of goals for life after graduation. And maybe treat yourself to a new bullet journal whilst you’re at it (it’s a new adventure, after all!).

Shop the Back to School Edit

Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
zoom in on moon and star logo
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal - forest green - zoom in on moon and star emblem
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal a5 - forest green - zoom in on Yop & Tom gold debossed logo on spine
yop & tom ruled notebook a5 internal pages
yop & tom medium ruled notebook
green lined journal lying on bed with pen
green lined notebook on white table
lined journal on black table
lined notebook on white table
yop & tom logo on spine of dark blue journal
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
zoom in on moon and star logo
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal - forest green - zoom in on moon and star emblem
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
lined journal a5 - forest green - zoom in on Yop & Tom gold debossed logo on spine
yop & tom ruled notebook a5 internal pages
yop & tom medium ruled notebook
green lined journal lying on bed with pen
green lined notebook on white table
lined journal on black table
lined notebook on white table
yop & tom logo on spine of dark blue journal
Journal ligné - A5 - Lune et étoiles
Front on shot of power of 3 goal planner in sunshine yellow showing gold triangle emblem and paper sleeve
Power of 3 Sunshine yellow Infographic showing features
Close up of Power of 3 goal planner gold emblem on sunshine yellow cover
Close up of Yop & Tom logo on spine of power of 3 goal planner in yellow
3 month goal planner page showing sections for goals, milestones and tasks
Monthly planner page of power of 3 goal planner showing full month spread, weekly wins and monthly focus
Weekly planner page in the power of 3 goal planner
Goal reflection page in the power of 3 planner showing which goals were hit and missed and focus for next 3 months
Yearly focus page in the power of 3 goal planner showing areas of focus for the year and list of yearly goals
Close up of sunshine yellow power of 3 goal planner showing corner of the cover and edge of paper pages
Power of 3 goal planners in charcoal, green and yellow
Planificateur d'objectifs non daté Power of 3 - Jaune soleil
Front on shot of power of 3 goal planner in sunshine yellow showing gold triangle emblem and paper sleeve
Power of 3 Sunshine yellow Infographic showing features
Close up of Power of 3 goal planner gold emblem on sunshine yellow cover
Close up of Yop & Tom logo on spine of power of 3 goal planner in yellow
3 month goal planner page showing sections for goals, milestones and tasks
Monthly planner page of power of 3 goal planner showing full month spread, weekly wins and monthly focus
Weekly planner page in the power of 3 goal planner
Goal reflection page in the power of 3 planner showing which goals were hit and missed and focus for next 3 months
Yearly focus page in the power of 3 goal planner showing areas of focus for the year and list of yearly goals
Close up of sunshine yellow power of 3 goal planner showing corner of the cover and edge of paper pages
Power of 3 goal planners in charcoal, green and yellow
Planificateur d'objectifs non daté Power of 3 - Jaune soleil
Hummingbird dot grid journal in deep ocean on white background
zoom in on humminbird emblem
zoom in on Yop & Tom logo - hummingbird journal
Hummingbird gift journal with colourful pens
bujo charcoal hummingbird extra thick paper
Orange hummingbird bullet journal
bullet journal main image forest green hummingbird
open journal with pens
Hummingbird journal with dark background
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Yop & Tom Index Page
Yop & Tom Key Page
Yop & Tom Hummingbird journal thick paper
Open journal showing grid guide insert
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
zoom in on yop & tom emblem on spine - burnt orange
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Hummingbird dot grid journal in deep ocean on white background
zoom in on humminbird emblem
zoom in on Yop & Tom logo - hummingbird journal
Hummingbird gift journal with colourful pens
bujo charcoal hummingbird extra thick paper
Orange hummingbird bullet journal
bullet journal main image forest green hummingbird
open journal with pens
Hummingbird journal with dark background
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Yop & Tom Index Page
Yop & Tom Key Page
Yop & Tom Hummingbird journal thick paper
Open journal showing grid guide insert
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
zoom in on yop & tom emblem on spine - burnt orange
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri
Journal à grille de points A5 - Colibri